A Guide for Making English Reading Fun and Learnable

You are using your brain to read this text. Reading is an active process – while the writer has put in work to create the text, you as the reader must still do some work as well.

You might find yourself doing one or more of the following when reading:

  • Picturing a scene in your head.
  • Grasping what it is that the writer is attempting to communicate.
  • Forming opinions about whether or not you agree with them.

Take Advantage of English Reading

English Reading can offer many advantages, from improving literacy and comprehension skills to forming meaningful connections with the written word. It can also be a great tool for expanding one’s vocabulary and learning new concepts.

People who read often find that they can much better interpret information through critical thinking and better understand difficult topics.

Reading is not just beneficial for educational purposes but also therapeutically, allowing readers to gain perspective on their own lives, mindsets, and experiences by exploring someone else’s. Finally, reading is an enjoyable way to pass the time that has no negative side effects!

Understanding Context and Learning New Vocabulary

Understanding context and learning new vocabulary can be a journey of exploration. By getting familiar with certain terms and concepts, one can connect more deeply with the works they are reading.

This allows for a better understanding of the surrounding material, as well as the material within. As one’s vocabulary expands, so too does their comprehension level of any given text. They can pick up more on subtle nuances in language and gain an overall better understanding of the meaning behind it all.

Additionally, expanding your vocabulary will allow you to communicate with others more effectively, on both a casual and professional level. Learning a new word also sets the stage for creative thinking, allowing one to expand their thought horizons in ways that were never before possible.

Reading is an essential part of understanding context and building a larger vocabulary – it is through this activity that true knowledge can be gained.

English Reading Boost Intelligence

Reading Creates a Modal for Writing

Reading is an invaluable part of becoming a better writer. As one reads more, they are exposed to new lessons, ideas, concepts, and language structures.

Through this exposure, a writer will learn how to construct sentences in more fluid and effective ways. Reading material also offers insight into other writers’ techniques for finding their voice, creating interesting story arcs, and setting the tone for their work.

This gives aspiring writers an example to follow as they try to create their unique style. Additionally, reading exposes one to different genres and forms of writing that may have been previously unknown to them; this knowledge can be useful when it comes time to choose what kind of writing one wishes to pursue.

In short, reading provides an essential modal for acquiring writing skills that can be used in original works.

Learners Can See Properly Structured English

For language learners, learning proper English structure is essential for being able to communicate effectively. By seeing how sentences are properly constructed, both linguistically and grammatically, an English learner will begin to understand how to string together words in an accurate fashion.

Additionally, understanding the nuances of word placement within a sentence can be particularly helpful when it comes time to write essays or other types of complex writing projects.

When students can read examples of well-structured English, they can gain valuable insight into the rules that define the language. From there, they’ll have a better grasp of what is considered correct grammar and spelling as well as a better understanding of syntax and punctuation.

Through thoughtful analysis of literary works and practice in their writing, a student will be able to master English structure and become more successful writers.

Reading at Your Own Pace

One of the most important things to keep in mind when learning English reading skills is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone must find their own pace when it comes to reading.

For example, some people may need to read and re-read a text multiple times to comprehend the content, while others may be able to understand it with just a single pass.

Regardless of which type of reader you are, it is important to take your time and not rush through your material. Taking the time to explore new words and concepts will help you gain the confidence needed to competently read and analyze any text that comes your way.

Additionally, familiarizing yourself with different types of literature will help you become well-rounded as a reader and give you access to an even wider range of knowledge.

By taking control of your learning process and reading at your own pace, you can master English reading skills faster than ever before.

Read Things You Like

When it comes to learning English faster, there’s no substitute for reading material that interests you. Whether it’s a book, article, or website, choosing something that you genuinely enjoy will make the whole process much more enjoyable and effective.

Reading material that you find interesting will help keep your attention focused, which in turn will enable you to learn more information in less time.

Additionally, being able to actively engage with a text can be hugely beneficial as it may provide insights into the language on a deeper level than simply reading words from a page.

The ability to ask questions and draw connections between an English word or concept is key if you want to gain an in-depth understanding of how English works.

Ultimately, by selecting materials that you like and can stay engaged with, you are much more likely to learn faster and more effectively.

5 Reading Strategies to Follow:

1. Take your time. Read slowly and thoroughly, and make sure you understand each word and concept before moving on.

2. Ask questions while you read. Try to draw connections between different concepts as you read and ask yourself questions about the main idea as it unfolds.

3. Highlight important terms or phrases. This will help you to remember key points more easily when it comes to revising or writing a summary of what you’ve read.

4. Re-read passages that are particularly difficult or complex, making sure that the passage makes sense in the context of the material overall.

5. Summarise the main points at the end of each section so that these can be used for revision later on down the line if necessary.

Things from America that You can read

1. American newspapers and magazines, such as The New York Times or Time Magazine.

2. Popular books from American authors, such as Ernest Hemingway’s “Ernest Hemingway on Writing” or Stephen King’s “The Shining”.

3. Academic articles about America or its culture can add extensive reading.

4. Dictionaries and other language reference books are written in American English.

5. Websites that provide news or reviews related to the United States.


Reading can be an incredible way to gain insight into American culture and literature. With this list of different types of materials, English students can find resources that suit their needs and interests.

Whether it’s books, newspapers, magazines, articles, language references, or websites, there are many options to choose from to help broaden knowledge and understanding.

Yanie McComas
Yanie McComas

Hi, I'm Yanie Wijaya. I'm an entrepreneur and English teacher who loves to work with children and adults in their journey to mastering the English language. I like to cook, travel, and write educational blog posts.
